Thursday, January 16, 2025

Poetry Friday: Overthinking my 2025 Word of the Year

Photo by Markus Spiske

When it's time to choose a guiding/inspiring/motivational/comforting/perfect (aye, there's the rub) word to take me through the upcoming year, I do what I do with everything: Overthink it and paralyze myself.  (Do you think that little "perfect" requirement has anything to do with that? Naaaaah.) 

For 2024, I chose "Hope" but also stre-e-e-etched Hope out, seeking maximum mileage: 


Hope, healing, overcoming, patience, emerging: it was good advice to myself. I needed all that and more in and from 2024. 2023 and 2024 were rough. After a couple years of intense caregiving and the deaths of both of my parents six months apart, I felt like an abandoned shell of myself. Time to reclaim ... something? I headed down that Hope road and it's been helping. (True, I have often felt derailed, especially since November 6th, but that's another subject and another post, a different kind of rough time to come.) 

For my 2025 word, I did an online quiz to see if I was inspired by the word it gave me. I took the quiz three times and every time it gave me Create. I was tempted to fight it, as I often do with that kind of thing. I'm a Gretchen Rubin Questioner/tipping-to-Rebel and I thought: 

"Why should I trust a random online quiz? Shouldn't I find my own word? Wouldn't that be more authentic? Am I lazy to use a quiz? But some quizzes are great, like the Four Tendencies. After all, 'Questioner' nails it. But this is different. Or is it?" 

And then I thought: 

"Shut up and just adopt the word, Karen. Create feels just right after the healing, the overcoming, the patience, and the emergence. JUST USE THE WORD." 

So I will. But I wasn't done (over)thinking it. 

I stre-e-e-etched the potential of Create a little further, and here's what I came up with: 


I like what it invites me to and I have all kinds of ideas about all kinds of writing I want to create going forward. 

Overthinking, apparently, isn't all bad. 🤔 I even decided it was worth writing an acrostic poem in its honor: 

On January first, I 
Veer into it, the inevitable
Everlasting, maddening 
Routine of it.
Turning to words for direction, to guide me
Hoping one little word can transform twelve months
Into a new creation. 
Nothing, though, not even an all-encompassing word, can 
Know what's to come. Still, I try. 

It's in our bones, in our blood, we can't help it. We
Try. One little word that can transform a year. 


Tricia at The Miss Rumphius Effect is hosting the Poetry Friday round-up this week. 


Anonymous said...

Karen, Thanks for this. I can relate to all you said. I have been thinking about a word or two for the year to post above my desk. I like how you stretched it out. This will be a good activity for this weekend. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Last comment by Cathy Stenquist, Karen. Oops!

Linda B said...

Your 'overthinking' feels just right to me, Karen. It's THE word for you to live with all the year, so why not look for satisfaction? As for your acrostic, love the final lines, a sinking into "We try"!

Karen Edmisten said...

Hi, Cathy! Enjoy your word/mind/overthinking stretch! :D

Karen Edmisten said...

Thanks so much, Linda. All we can do is try, right? :)

elli said...

Thank you for sharing your Creativity, with us Karen (heh, see what I did there. Sorry) Seriously, tho', it is a good word for times of building new pathways, learning who we are becoming, after such enormous life changes … I've long enjoyed having a word and saint of the year — I still utilize Jen Fulwiler's online generator! This year: Behold! Which I quite like: so much of my life is now spent being ever so still, gazing out on the world — in the yarden, in books. Look! See what the Lord has made! … wishing you a year filled with rich new growth 💞

tanita✿davis said...

Lord have mercy, "Overthinking" has become an entire vibe for me. I love that you're leaning into it, though. Happy New Year, friend!