Thursday, December 03, 2015

Bits and Pieces of Our Days

A snow day! Atticus had a day off this week, the snow just kept coming, and my college girls went out for a snowball fight with Ramona. When I grabbed the camera, for just a moment it felt like so many winter days long ago, when I had three girls who raced out to play in the snow every chance they got.


Ramona does a live, online art class every week with Mark Kistler and I joined in the fun this week. 


I don't think I mentioned it here (on Facebook, maybe? Yes, that's what I did) but we didn't make it out of town for Thanksgiving. We woke up to ice on our travel day, and decided to stay put. We had a quiet dinner at home (made up of various turkey parts -- that's what happens when you don't plan a back-up meal and all the whole turkeys are gone) and though we missed the Ed side of the family, we still had a lovely weekend. So much to be thankful for! 

Ramona made cornstarch clay and crafted a turkey of her own: 


I'm reading The Sea of Monsters to Ramona. We're almost done and then we have plenty of Advent reading to dive in to. 'Tis the season! We already started The Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is up next. 


tanita✿davis said...

Still giggling at Ramona's turkey ...if she'd just enlarged it a little it could have passed for frozen!

Daria Sockey said...

I hadn't given a thought to Mark Kistler in years! One of my sons--now 25--learned to draw from Mark's old PBS show, Imagination Station. Absolutely NOTHING could get in the way of Joseph watching that show, pencil and pad in hand while Mark explained how to draw all sorts of wonderful "boy stuff" including monsters,sinosaurs, space aliens, and elaborate weapons that shot harmless ammo such as popcorn. God bless Mark. I"m glad he's still around and still teaching kids to draw.

Karen Edmisten said...

Daria, my older girls used to love Mark Kistler, too, then he had fallen off my radar. Awhile back, Ramona pulled out a Kistler book and loved the 3D drawing, so when we found out he was doing live, online classes, she was delighted.

Tanita, it made me laugh, too. And I forgot to include a picture of her mashed potatoes.