Thursday, January 30, 2025

Poetry Friday: Sustenance (and happy anniversary, Atticus)

Atticus and I celebrated our 41st anniversary this week. 

And all those skeptics thought we'd never make it, (tsk, tsk.) But here we are, and here we'll stand, and here we go, shooting for another forty-one. (Well, umm, maybe at least another 30? We'll take what we can get, I suppose.) 

Here's a poem I wrote quite a while back, one I sometimes recycle on our anniversary. 

Happy anniversary, Atticus. Thank you for the bread and promises. 

by Karen Edmisten 

like marriage,
requires the promise
of leavening.

There is flour and water —
foundation — yes,
but it begs
something more:
fermentation, lather,
and growth.
It must take on life,
risk failure,
swell in size,
though never
sloppily escape
its necessary confines.

My husband
mixes flour
and water,
baking bread for me.
It is nothing,
he says.

It is everything,
I counter,
as I watch him
measure, stir yeast
and add salt,
carefully constructing a promise.



Carol Varsalona said...

Karen, this is a beauty of a poem. It is tender, loving, and beautifully constructed. Happy Anniversary!

Denise Krebs said...

Ah, happy anniversary! Bread is such a beautiful symbol in your poem, and Atticus baking it for you is icing on the cake! Bread and promises. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Karen & Atticus, fabulous 41st anni. fun wished to you two. And some fresh fro the over warm, buttery, home-made Atticus-bread. I love this poem, Karen.

Karen Edmisten said...

Carol, thank you so much!

Karen Edmisten said...

Thank you so much, Denise!

Karen Edmisten said...

Thank you, Anon! What a delicious suggestion. :)

jama said...

Happy Anniversary Karen and Atticus!! LOVE the poem, it's perfect. I'll always think of Atticus as the bread man :).

elli said...

41 years!! That's amazing. How wonderful for you💞a very special gift, indeed, to be granted a life-companion. Happiest of anniversaries to you both🌸🕊️

Rose Cappelli said...

"carefully constructing a promise" - sigh! Happy Anniversary!

Marcie Flinchum Atkins said...

How beautiful!

Linda B said...

Oh, a love poem for Atticus! Happy Anniversary to you both, having "everything"!

Linda Mitchell said...

Happy Anniversary! I'm sitting here at the kitchen table with my sweetie planning our 30th and laughing over how hubby remembered the date wrong. Oh, if only we could take the love and laughter we've grown like a leavened loaf of bread back to day 1--we would have been so much richer!

Karen Edmisten said...

Thanks, Jama! I think of him as the bread man too. :)

Karen Edmisten said...

elli, thank you! ❤️

Karen Edmisten said...

Thanks, Rose!

Karen Edmisten said...

Marcie, thanks so much!

Karen Edmisten said...

Thanks, Linda! ❤️

Karen Edmisten said...

Linda M., after so many years, mixing up dates is pretty easy to do, isn't it? :D Have fun planning and celebrating, and happy 30th!

laurasalas said...

It is everything. I love that! Happy anniversary. My husband and I celebrate 37 years this Thursday :>)

Liz Garton Scanlon said...

I made bread last week for the first time in a while. It was good medicine! Happy anniversary!

Karen Edmisten said...

Laura, happy anniversary to you too!

Karen Edmisten said...

Good medicine indeed, Liz. :)

Karen Edmisten said...

Linda M., if you see this, will you email me? :) Thanks! xo

Carol Varsalona said...

Thank you for the wonderful poem that you shared.m Great sensation with these lines: In fact
the very page smells of spilled
red wine and the mustiness of the sea