Thursday, August 29, 2024

Poetry Friday: "Tension" by Billy Collins (via George Bilgere)

Last week I shared a poem by one of my favorite poets, George Bilgere, and mentioned a place you should surely visit: Poetry Town. Poetry Town is Bilgere's daily newsletter in which he shares a poem he loves, but wouldn't it be lovely if Poetry Town were a real place? I would move there immediately. 

Would Bilgere be the mayor, or would he share mayoral duties with Billy Collins (whose poem he shared in the August 9 edition of his newsletter and which I'm sharing below)? What would the population of Poetry Town be, and could just anyone live there? Self-proclaimed poets or published poets only? Non-poets who love to read and hear poetry? Or would Poetry Town be a place in which every business sported a poetic name, every billboard bore a sonnet? Restaurants could revamp their menus, rhyming roasted with toasted, grilled with chilled, and tea with glee. We could all speak in rhyme all the time. 

We could — oops. Suddenly, I've realized that I've gotten distracted. Suddenly, I need to redirect you to today's poem because this is, after all, a Poetry Friday post, not a city planning meeting. Suddenly, I need to use the word suddenly excessively, because Billy Collins does and I'm a sucker for anything Billy Collins does. 

And so, suddenly, I give you the Bilgere-picked, Collins-written bit of pure delight, "Tension." 

May it bring you sudden enjoyment. 

by Billy Collins

“Never use the word suddenly just to
create tension.” ––Writing Fiction

Suddenly, you were planting some yellow petunias
outside in the garden,
and suddenly I was in the study
looking up the word oligarchy for the thirty-seventh time.

When suddenly, without warning,
you planted the last petunia in the flat,
and I suddenly closed the dictionary
now that I was reminded of that vile form of governance.

A moment later, we found ourselves
standing suddenly in the kitchen



Irene Latham said...

Suddenly I am thinking about Halloween in Poetry Town, and how everyone must surely dress up as poets...and if you ARE a poet, maybe you must dress up as yourself? Yes, easy to get distracted in a place such as this... xo

Karen Edmisten said...

Oooh, Halloween in Poetry Town! A suddenly fun thought, Irene! :D

Rose Cappelli said...

Love the idea of Poetry Town! And suddenly, I'm reminded that I recently read that Billy Collins poem as I make my way through Aimless Love. Poetry is such fun!

Mary Lee said...

I would move to Poetry Town in a heartbeat! Maybe we could all plant yellow petunias in our yards!

Linda Mitchell said...

Poetry Town? Yes, please. I'd like a condo...with no yard but access to a garden and a pool.
I love this line: "The state capitals remained motionless on the wall map"

tanita✿davis said...

I vote you mayor of the town - you can run the meetings, and we'll bring the poetry and cookies.

Linda B said...

I love your imagination, Karen, believe you are already the leader of Poetry Town, and perhaps Billy Collins can be an honorary one, visit once in a while with his friend(s). The poem, no surprise, but can't you just hear his voice saying those words. Suddenly, it came through loud and clear! Thanks, as always!

Denise Krebs said...

Haha, I want to move to Poetry Town too. I am going to have to keep "Tension" open to read a few more times. I like Billy Collins, but this one I need more time with. Thanks for sharing it! I thought the epigraph he chose was so funny. So many suddenly's!

Marcie Flinchum Atkins said...

I love how Billy Collins takes a "rule" of writing and just totally breaks it and mocks it and creates an amazing poem. :) Can't wait to read his new book.

Karen Edmisten said...

The "suddenness" is catching, Rose. :D

Karen Edmisten said...

Mary Lee, let's do it!!

Karen Edmisten said...

I'll be over to your poetic condo soon, Linda and we'll sit by the garden (and the pool) and sip a cold drink. (And yes to that line, love it.) :D

Karen Edmisten said...

But Tanita, I want all the fun (and the poetry and the cookies) without all the responsibility. ;)

Karen Edmisten said...

Linda B., I'll take the position if it means that Billy Collins and George Bilgere will drop by now and then.

Karen Edmisten said...

Denise, any time spent with Billy Collins is time suddenly well spent. :)

Karen Edmisten said...

Marcie, agree on all counts! :)

Jane @ said...

Oh my, Poetry Town sounds like the inspiration for a wonderful series of children's books!

Tabatha said...

Suddenly, I feel like packing for a trip to Poetry Town :)
(Yes to Poetry Town children's books! I wish someone would write them!)

Patricia Franz said...

What a great share, Karen! Just love Billy Collins' droll humor ("Who could tell what the next moment would hold?/Another drip from the faucet?") And Poetry Town is def on my bucket list! ;)

Karen Edmisten said...

It does, Jane!

Karen Edmisten said...

Tabatha, Poetry Town is sounding more appealing all the time. :)

Karen Edmisten said...

Patricia, we should have a Poetry Friday Meet-up in Poetry Town. :)