Friday, January 26, 2024

Poetry Friday: When a poem gobsmacks

It's surprising sometimes, the way Poetry Friday just works. You think of a poet, and you're drawn to that person, their poem, that moment. And it's the perfect poem for that imperfect day. 

This morning, coming late to the Poetry Friday party, I thought, "What shall I throw into the mix? What about some Barbara Crooker? What about that one mentioning glorious things around us?" These are days when I find myself looking for glorious moments in the smallest of things. 

I found the poem and was gobsmacked. I'd completely forgotten that this poem swerves into mention of her mother, medically struggling day by day. I looked at the screen, blinked, looked left, then right, as if I'd see the source of this coincidence. I didn't see anything, but I feel it. All around us. 

Later today I'll go to the hospital where my mother, too, is having more bad days than good, where I, too, will look around and try, try fervently, to remember all that is glorious around us. 

All That Is Glorious Around Us

is not, for me, these grand vistas, sublime peaks, mist-filled
overlooks, towering clouds, but doing errands on a day
of driving rain, staying dry inside the silver skin of the car,
160,000 miles, still running just fine. Or later,
sitting in a café warmed by the steam
from white chicken chili, two cups of dark coffee,
(Read the rest of Barbara Crooker's poem here.) 



Susan T. said...

Ah, beautiful, Karen! I love that, and did not see the poem's turn coming. There is confetti in your poem, too. It's that kind of day! Thank you for the kind words, too.

Jane @ said...

I need these reminders too, that there are glorious things all around us, even in the darkest, gloomiest times of life. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts at this difficult time. <3

Tracey Kiff-Judson said...

It is so difficult to watch someone we love struggle. Thank you for sharing "All That is Glorious Around Us" as a reminder that life is precious. "It is the nature of stone to be satisfied ... and the nature of water to want to be somewhere else." Such an interesting thought!

Tabatha said...

Somewhere in your subconscious, you knew this was the poem you needed and you pulled the thread until it came loose! Well done, Karen. Poetry is there for us when we need comfort and reminders. Sending hugs your way...

Patricia Franz said...

These moments...I say it's the universe calling. Synchronicity. And all the more when we can find in the most minute sense, glory -- of air, of breath, of life, of death. Thank you for this, Karen.

Mary Lee said...

What a poem! But also...what a story!

May your mom have a few good breaths and may you find some glories in the day.

Ruth said...

I haven't read this one before, and I love it! Thank you! (Saying a prayer for your mom.)

Linda B said...

Sorry that this time with your mother fills with anxious moments, Karen. Wishing her, and you, good days. Yes, there is "this radiant world". When friends knew I was worried about my mother, so far away and in her last days, one gave me Crooker's "Gold". If you can find it, I hope it gives you a warm embrace as it did me.

Karen Edmisten said...

Susan, what a lovely way to look at it.

Jane, thank you so much!

Tracey, this poem is like a 2-for-1, isn't it, with that little bit of Oliver tucked inside.

Tabatha, yes, my mind (or my heart) knew what it was doing. :)

Patricia, indeed a moment of synchronicity!

Mary Lee, thank you for that. Hugs.

Ruth, I'm happy to share a new-to-you poem, and thanks for the prayers.

Linda, I just went to find "Gold" and I don't think I've read that one before! Thank you!

elli said...

Dear Karen, offering quiet prayers of support. Hard days, indeed. I keep a daily prayer journal, a mix of beseechments and gratitudes — and some days there is far more imploring going on, than thankfulness! And then I remember to note the good strong coffee, the candlelight, the sunrise … amidst all the hard and unchangeable things, at least there is that … praying for your mother to have gentle good moments. 🙏🏽🕊

Rose Cappelli said...

Thank you for sharing this lovely poem as well as your heart, Karen. May you and mother find the comfort you need.

Linda Mitchell said...

Wow. What a poem! My's not an easy time when your Mom has more bad days than good. I'm sorry to read that. I'm delighted by the poem that found you and gave you comfort. I can imagine it...just out of sight...smiling knowing that it found it's mark. Oh, the satisfaction.

Elisabeth said...

What a beautiful poem. I love poems that remind me to immerse myself in the present moment, to really look around me and see what is in my world in that moment.

Wishing you strength as you face the current challenges in your life.

laurasalas said...

I'm glad you found a poem that spoke to you while looking for a poem to speak to us, Karen. Sending hugs to you and your mom.

Liz Garton Scanlon said...

Finding the right poem on the right day is such a gift....

Carol Varsalona said...

I am going to step out into this radiant world today and remember that the little things matter. Thanks, Karen for a bit of morning gratitude even when the sky is gray.

Kortney said...

This poem was just pure gift.