Thursday, November 09, 2023

Poetry Friday: I'm hosting! (No overthinking allowed.)

I was thinking, overthinking, and waffling about what to post. Then, as I grew tired of waffling, overthinking — and, let's face it, just plain thinking — Atticus suggested that I post "Autumn in New York." One really can't go wrong with Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, can one? No, one cannot. 

Ramona had thoughts too. She suggested the nothing-but-poetic scene from You've Got Mail in which Joe Fox expresses the perfect fall thought.

So, dear reader, if you too do not want to overthink anything but would simply like to bask in the beauty of Ella and Louis, and the joys of a screenplay by Nora Ephron, join me:  



Mr. Linky is helping me round up this week's Poetry Friday posts, 
in his always-helpful, linky way. 

Thanks for joining us! 


Robyn Hood Black said...

Helloooo, Fellow Over-Thinker! What a refreshing post. Thanks for the freedom to just be and, yes, bask for a minute. Ahhhh. Happy Novembering, and thanks for hosting!

Michelle Kogan said...

Love your post Karen– melta-away with Ella's soothing voice, and a bit of humor are both always welcome. Thanks for all and for hosting, happy November!

jama said...

Ahhhh -- what a wonderful respite from all the chaos. Ella and Louis are soooooo smooth, and now I want to watch You've Got Mail again (sigh).

I do want to extend my belated condolences on the loss of your dad (sorry I missed last week's post), and hope moving your mom closer goes smoothly. It's never easy.

Thanks for hosting this week; wishing you peace and comforting family memories this month.

Tracey Kiff-Judson said...

Ahhhh! Your post was a relief after a busy week! I love not overthinking, but I am seldom successful at achieving it. Your clip also made me want to go watch a Tom Hanks movie. :)

Denise Krebs said...

Karen, thank you for hosting. Thank you for the sweet videos and the fall love! Yes, here's to not overthinking!

jan godown annino said...

Swooning & basking.
A wonderful idea, Karen.
TY for hosting.


Anastasia Suen said...

I love the title of your post, "No overthinking allowed." Thanks for hosting!

Tabatha said...

I would take a bouquet of sharpened pencils :) Thanks for hosting us, Karen!

Linda B said...

Listening while I write, Karen. Those suggestions fit my Thursday nights relaxing beautifully after a long day at the bookstore where I volunteer. Thanks for hosting!

Matt Forrest Esenwine said...

A fun post, Karen - overthinking is overrated, anyway. ;)

Thanks for hosting!

Alan j Wright said...

Uncomplicated sharing of responses to Autumn in NY. Thanks Karen, these clips evoked memories of my six years in NYC while relaxing on a glorious spring afternoon by the sea in Mornington, Australia. May the vibe spread...

Carol Varsalona said...

Karen, since I have been overthinking my poems this week, I welcome your overthinking thoughts. I also appreciate the reminder of Autumn in New York that I welcomed for years before moving to Virginia. Thank you for hosting. I hope November brings you rest and renewal.

laurasalas said...

I love the beautiful simplicity of your post, Karen. <3

Marcie Flinchum Atkins said...

I've been doing a lot of overthinking lately, so I stand in solidarity. Thank you for hosting!

Rose Cappelli said...

What a wonderful way to wake this morning, Karen! Autumn is such a special time of year. And thanks for introducing me to Barbara Crooker who inspired my post today.

Irene Latham said...

Yay for not overthinking. I need more of that in my life. Thank you! xo

Anonymous said...

This is Patricia… What a joy to wake in west coast darkness and be treated to Ella’s voice filling the morning. 🎶🎤

Heidi Mordhorst said...

Thanks for the bouquet of newly-sharpened under-thoughts, Karen, and for hosting us. I myself have been very interested in the phenomenon of overfunctioning--a step up from overthinking, and not necessarily in the right direction! Let's partake of the Ella-chill, shall we?

Mary Lee said...

Thanks for hosting us, and for allowing Atticus and Ramona to share these gifts!

Carol J. Labuzzetta said...

Hi Karen! I am also an overthinker and love your "light" post. Its simplicity speaks volumes about appreciating the small things in life - a great piece of music and a beloved (for me) movie. Thanks for hosting today! I enjoyed your post!

Heidi Mordhorst said...

Thanks for the bouquet of newly-sharpened under-thoughts, Karen, and for hosting us. I myself have been very interested in the phenomenon of overfunctioning--a step up from overthinking, and not necessarily in the right direction! Let's partake of the Ella-chill, shall we?

mbhmaine said...

I'm so glad you got such wonderful suggestions from your support base. Your post is a breath of fresh autumn air and I especially enjoyed the bouquet of pencils. I wasn't going to post today, but I'm working hard to get back into the habit, even if I maybe "overthunk" the whole thing a few too many times along the way...(I am also now seriously considering watching "You've Got Mail" again.) Thanks so much for hosting.

Jone said...

Being late to post (because I didn't post on Thursday night), I was panicky until I read your overthinking and just don't do it! Thank you! We need some grace at times.

Catherine Flynn said...

Thank you for that lovely interlude. Just what I needed to calm my nerves as I realize that Thanksgiving is in 11 days!Thank you for hosting, Karen!

Carol Varsalona said...

Karen, Carol L told me that my link did not work so I am adding it again. Have a wonderful week.