Thursday, March 02, 2023

Poetry Friday: "Days" by Billy Collins

Just a bit of poignant beauty from Billy Collins today. 

by Billy Collins 

Each one is a gift, no doubt, 
mysteriously placed in your waking hand 
or set upon your forehead 
moments before you open your eyes. 

Today begins cold and bright, 
the ground heavy with snow 
and the thick masonry of ice, 
the sun glinting off the turrets of clouds. 

Through the calm eye of the window 
everything is in its place 
but so precariously 
this day might be resting somehow 

on the one before it, 


Photo courtesy of Nico Becker at Pexels


Sally Murphy said...

Karen that extended metaphor is so wonderful! 'impossible tower of dishes' indeed. Thank you for sharing.

Irene Latham said...

A more somber Billy Collins poem, to be sure. And always always we humans and our wanting more. Thank you for sharing!

Janice Scully said...

I love this metaphor also, the days stacking up and you just want to add another to the precarious stack. Thanks for sharing this.

tanita✿davis said...

This MAN. This poet. What an utterly beautiful way to re-say something we think we already know: the present is a gift. I'm grateful for every softly settled saucer.

Denise Krebs said...

Oh, that is lovely. "Hoping to add one more--just another Wednesday." Yes, each one is a gift in our "waking hand." I love Tanita's comment--I'm also thankful for each "softly settled saucer." Thanks for sharing this beauty.

Alan j Wright said...

I remain an avowed Billy Collins Fan, Karen, so I could not go past your posting of 'Days.' I love the notion of this day resting upon the one before it. This poem stands as a shining example of Billy's craft as a poet. Thanks for sharing this.

Mary Lee said...

Thank you, Karen. Thank you, Billy.
Just a couple of dish-stacks ago, Hubby completed another decade's worth, and for each and every one of them, we give thanks.

Rose Cappelli said...

Thanks for sharing this lovely poem, Karen. I'm a big Billy Collins fan and love the idea of our days stretching out and being connected. I think it's also a reminder that every day is a precious gift that we need to make the most of. I started the morning with this one, and will be thinking about it all day.

Linda Mitchell said...

You had me at Billy Collins and kept me through 'read more here' and then that "you whisper placing a cup on yesterday's saucer." Wow.

Karen Edmisten said...

So lovely to see how much we all love this one! I hadn't read it before and it caught me by surprise. ❤️

Tabatha said...

Saving this! Thanks, Karen xo

jama said...

Oh, a new-to-me Collins poem!! Exquisitely crafted, so far reaching. How does he do it? Thanks for sharing!!!!

Karen Edmisten said...

Tabatha, a keeper for sure. Jama, I know, right? He just keeps cranking out beauty. "Cranking" and "beauty" seem like they should be mutually exclusive, but not in the case of Collins.

Anastasia Suen said...

I love that twist in the end! Thanks for sharing this, Karen.

Michelle Kogan said...

Wow, what a wonderful balancing act, so precariously balanced, thanks Karen!

Patricia Franz said...

I love his image of a day as a gift "set upon your forehead" -- It will give me a soft moment tomorrow morning as I wake.

author amok said...

I was looking for that spot where the poem veers off into surprise. And there it was -- the days stacked like dishes in a vaudeville act. That resonates with me.