Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Bits and Pieces of Our Days

* Last week included the final primping of Pumpkindore which -- Ramona was delighted to learn -- won second place in the family division of the pumpkin decorating contest, hurray! On Halloween, Ramona trick-or-treated as Luna Lovegood while Anne and Betsy, (aka Joy and Sadness) passed out candy.


 * We also prepped for our Harry Potter movie marathon (Deathly Hallows 1 and 2) and the accompanying feast, which included owl/pumpkin muffins, pumpkin pasties, chocolate frogs, popcorn (not Harry-related, just a movie-viewing must), Atticus's oven-fried chicken, and butterbeer (actually, the girls decided they wanted root beer floats, and I opted for a Sam Adams cream stout.) We finished the book last month, and that whole experience deserves its own post. First, the fact that we kept so many huge spoilers a secret from Ramona delights me to no end. I really thought we'd have inadvertently ruined the books for her over the years, but we didn't, so, yay for all of us.

And then, there was Ramona's reaction to parts of the final chapters: "It's so Christian!" she said, between sobs at one point. Ah, yes, my dear, in so many ways. As I said, it deserves its own post.

It's the end of an era, though maybe not.  I fully expect to talk to grandchildren about Harry one day.


* Ramona and I are now reading A Wrinkle in Time together, and recently finished The Phantom Tollbooth.


* Betsy and Ramona are both participating in NaNoWriMo. It's the third time for Ramona, and the fifth time for Betsy. And in added writerly news, the two girls in Ramona's weekly writing group have decided to join Ramona in the NaNo young writers' program. I couldn't be happier!


* I spent a chunk of last week going over the final edits to my upcoming book. It's due out in February of 2016, and I'll have more news on it soon!


* I just got new glasses. Please tell me I'll adjust to bifocals quickly. Anyone, anyone? I don't care that they make me feel old, I just don't want to get motion sickness from my glasses. Bueller? Bueller?


Tabatha said...

Congrats on keeping spoiler-free and doing NaNoWriMo!
Re: bifocals. I found them horribly distracting and dizzy-making until they weren't. I think it took maybe four days? Five? But you could take less time than I did.

Karen Edmisten said...

Thanks, Tabatha! 4-5 days sounds reasonable. I have a friend who said she adjusted within a week, too. Early yesterday, I thought it was already MUCH better than the day before, but by last night, my eyes were tired and confused. :)

Emily said...

Yes it IS so Christian. That's one of the things I love about it, but also baffles me about the Anti-Harry Potter Christian people. Because, dude--it is SO Christian!
Now I might have to watch the movies all over again. I need a good crying jag like I get from the last book/movie........I can't even type about it, really.

tanita✿davis said...

Aw, Ramona. Love that kid and her epiphanies. And HAH to all the ministers - not having read the book(s) - who stood in their ignorant soapboxes and decried Rowling. Out of the mouths of babes.

I really think I just need a blue wig. Possibly not just for Halloween...
And I hope the bifocals get better. Every time I get new glasses I feel cross-eyed for a day or so, but I fear the bifocals are coming in the next year or two. Joy unspeakable, obviously.

Happy NaNo, you brave soul. I'm doing a FINISH THIS DARNED NOVEL month, myself.

Karen Edmisten said...

Emily, yes, you should read the last book again/watch the last movie(s). Nothing like a great cry!

Tanita, yes -- the decrying that took place by so many who hadn't even read the books. (Shakes head....) You should definitely get the blue wig.

Re. the bifocals, I've had bifocal contacts for awhile now, but this is the first time with the glasses and yes, I'll warn you, it's DIFFERENT. I got away for a long time with just the regular prescription for the glasses, and I'd just peek out underneath them to read something. :) But, I finally gave in. I think I'll be happy in the long run, but still adjusting.

Good luck on finishing the novel! We'll call it National TTFN -- Tanita To Finish Novel -- Month!

Atticus said...

Was that my last Sam Adams?

Karen Edmisten said...

Shhh, we won't talk about that.