Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Revolutionary Women, Picture Books, and Bad Impressions

Because Ramona and I will never be too old for picture books, and because we are all about the Revolutionary war this year, we recently read these:

Thomas Jefferson: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Everything  by Maira Kalman.

Thumbs up from Ramona for the pursuit of everything in this one: the illustrations, the humor, the tidbits of information about the ever-fascinating Thomas Jefferson.

(Quick heads up: if you have very young children, please be aware that the book briefly addresses his relationship with Sally Hemmings.)

Founding Mothers: Remembering the Ladies 

This one covered some interesting ground and notable women, but the writing wasn't highly engaging. Does include a nice timeline, though, of the women, and the reading was good reinforcement for some women we'd previously read about in the following magazine:

Ramona loved this issue. I can't recommend Kids Discover highly enough. Good stuff for unschoolish learners.

Finally, we left the Revolution and took flight with these two:

Amelia And Eleanor Go For A Ride by Pam Munoz Ryan, with illustrations by Brian Selznick.

A fun read. As I was doing voices for it, my Eleanor impression suddenly sounded a little funny.

"Why does Eleanor Roosevelt sound like Julia Child, Mom?" Ramona asked, puzzled.

I stopped and frowned.

"I don't know," I said. "Let's find out what she really sounded like."

(Thank you Google -- love you for stuff like this. We listened to Amelia Earhart, too.)


Now it's time to visit the library again. 

1 comment:

sarah said...

Picture books are so awesome, especially with internet to enrich them even further.