Thursday, April 10, 2014

Cynthia Lord's Rules (A Quick Review, in Which We Also Stroll Down Memory Lane With Frog and Toad)

Ramona *had* to draw last night, after we finished Rules.

Last night, Ramona and I finished reading Cynthia Lord's Rules. It's about twelve-year-old Catherine, who just wants a "normal" life, thank-you-very-much. And it's about her brother David, who has autism, but tries his best to follow Catherine's list of rules, such as, "No toys in the fish tank." (The fish, however, don't seem to mind an occasional visit from Barbie or a rubber duck.) And it's about Catherine's new friend, Jason, a silent, smart, wheelchair-bound boy she meets at David's OT office. Complicating Catherine's summer vacation is the fact that her best friend, Melissa, is spending the summer in California with her dad, and the new girl who just moved in next door is, well, nice, but maybe not the "morse code with flashlights at night" kind of best-neighbor-friend Catherine has always hoped for.

I won't say any more, but will add that Anne-with-an-e and Betsy both loved this book when they read it a few years ago, and so did I. It was delightful to share it this time around with Ramona, who was inspired by the book to hunt down all of our old Frog and Toad books. (I'll let you read Rules to find out why.)

A beautiful, funny, and touching read.

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