Monday, August 16, 2010

Bits and Pieces of Our Days

We had some company here this weekend --  Jack and his family came for a visit. During a game of charades, we were treated to Ramona as a pile of embers, Jack's daughter trying to convey "fez" (to which her father said, "You don't build a fez, you wear it!") and several children collapsing into helpless laughter as they tried to mime bears.

The next day, the kids listened to Jack and me tell a couple of stories about our high school days, such as the one in which, on our way to a cast party after the spring musical we were cornered by the police, who for some reason were alarmed by a group of loud teenagers wearing stage make-up and storming into a convenient store at one in the morning. They let us go once they found that the most dangerous weapons in the trunk of the car were a cake and a spatula.

Visit plans were interrupted by illness, however. The original plan was for Jack and Holly to leave one of their daughters here with us for an extended stay into the week. But, she got sick and had to go home early with the rest of the family. Hope you're feeling better, sweetie!


Speaking of feeling better, today I face the delightful duty of collecting a sample from my dog so that we can see if she's over her bladder problems. Wish me luck.


Anne-with-an-e starts her first early enrollment college class today, via the magic of technology and online classes. Huzzah!


Woe is me! My husband is back at work! My meal planner/chef is gone! I have forgotten how to cook! I don't know what a meal plan looks like anymore! Do I really have to feed these people three times a day?! Am I pathetic or what?! I wasn't born with the cooking gene! Thinking about meals and plans and cooking transforms me into someone who uses an excessive amount of exclamation points!!!  How many frozen pizzas are in the house?! Do I really have to think about this again already??!! Why can't my husband be The Next Food Network Star?! Then he could cook for us and for a living and I could just read with my kids and eat whatever he puts in front of me!

I have to go now! It's 8 a.m. and I have no idea what's for dinner today! Or tomorrow! Or ever!


turtlemama said...

I have one of those meal planner/chefs, too and it is soooo nice. He was out of commission all spring due to a shoulder injury and it was slim pickin's at meal time around here. We didn't starve, but it was close!

Good luck.


Karen Edmisten said...

And there's always cold cereal .... :)