Saturday, June 05, 2010

Ramona's Lament

Ramona had a busy week -- we had a friend visiting from out of town and made two trips to Omaha and back to pick our friend up then deliver her back home after the visit. The kids had Vacation Bible School all week, with my older girls volunteering and Ramona participating. Yesterday, after VBS, she played at the park with friends.

Last night, she was overtired and cranky which led to an outburst that found me sending her to her room for a cooling down period. Later, when the storm had passed, she and I sat at the kitchen table, sharing a snack.

Ramona said, "I have that 'After Grumpy' feeling. Do you know what I mean?"

I told her yes, I knew exactly what she meant -- that feeling of no longer being upset, but not feeling happy yet either, and feeling kind of bad about the whole thing.

"Yeah," she continued, "it's like, you were so grumpy but then you start to wonder, how much of my life have I wasted complaining?"


Abby said...

So very wise for 7! I can really relate to this, today :P

Jennifer said...

I agree with Abby. I was about 20 years older than Ramona before I understood this.

Kiela said...

What a gift our children are, so often they are our teachers and dear old friend, I enjoy most how you capture their innocent wisdom. It truly reminds me of how Chist says we must enter the Kingdom as a child!

Emily said...

Can we PLEASE have a Ramona Quote book?! I would buy it in bulk.

Karen Edmisten said...

I'd better start working on that quote book! :)

tanita✿davis said...

Hah! Out of the mouths of babes.

jFosberry said...

How very insightful for 7. I hope that she stays tapped into that self-conciousness.

Sue said...

Out of the mouths of babes, indeed! Too bad I didn't see that at age seven! I second the motion for the quote book.

Liz said...

I'd buy a Ramona quote book in a heartbeat. Or a Karen quote book...