Ramona: Mommy, will you do a craft with me?
Me: I can't at this very moment. I'm in the middle of laundry.
Ramona: But you're the cruh in my craft.
Me: What?
Ramona: No, wait. That sounds too much like crud. You're the -aft in my craft.
Me: That sounds too much like daft.
Ramona: What does daft mean?
Me: Crazy.
Ramona: Okay. You're the cra- in my craft.
Me: Hmmmm. Let me think about that one. But I still can't do a craft this very instant.
Ramona: Hmmfff. Okay. Then I'll go pretend I'm having a swimming lesson.
Works for me.
LOL! I'd try that as a nice escape, too, but then I'd have to imagine myself in a bathing suit.
Yeah, I don't like to go there either, Sue. :)
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