Friday, February 13, 2009

Cupcake Forsaken

We are cupcakeless.

Sans Cupcakes.

There is not a cupcake in sight.

We are a cupcake wasteland.

This has not prevented Ramona from asking me for cupcakes at least six times this morning.

Cupcakian hope springs eternal.

A promise has now been made, and now, it must be fulfilled either this afternoon or tomorrow.

Soon, there will be a cupcake oasis in the barren desert that, apparently, is my kitchen.


Anonymous said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! love it!

Anonymous said...


Beck said...

Ha! My Girl was wailing around our kitchen just yesterday about how I was a cruel, cruel mother to send her to school without cupcakes. The poor thing.

Karen said...

LOL. So cute. I was the lame mummy who listened to the teachers and *didn't* send in treats or sweets with the Valentines cards last week....they let me know with baleful looks when I got them from school.

They have a skating day coming up and I might redeem myself by sending along some Beaver Tails. Have you heard of these yummy whole wheat pastries? Huge here in Canada. Mmm. I have the recipe on my blog if you're curious (but called them Moose Ears so I don't get into trouble!!)