For proclaiming March 30 - April 5, 2008 to be Nebraska Home Education Week:
WHEREAS, The State of Nebraska desires to promote excellence in education; and
WHEREAS, Dozens of studies confirm that children who are educated at home score
significantly above average on national achievement tests; and
WHEREAS, Studies demonstrate that home-educated students excel in college; and
WHEREAS, Home education has a long history of success in this country, helping to
produce such notable Americans as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson,
James Madison, John Quincy Adams, Patrick Henry, Benjamin Franklin,
John Jay, John Marshall, Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall
Jackson, Booker T. Washington, Thomas Edison, William Henry Harrison,
John Tyler, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt,
Mark Twain, Irving Berlin, Rembrandt Peale, George Patton, Douglas
MacArthur, John J. Pershing, Standing Bear, Roscoe Pound, Edward
Creighton, Willa Cather, William Jennings Bryan and Bertram Goodhue,
architect of the Nebraska State Capitol; and
WHEREAS, Home education strengthens the family and promotes the highest standards
of honesty and morality, which are essential elements in the preservation of
a free society; and
WHEREAS, Home education promotes good citizenship and positive socialization; and
WHEREAS, The State of Nebraska recognizes the fundamental right of parents to direct
the education and upbringing of their children; and
WHEREAS, Home educators view the cost of their children’s education as their own
responsibility and do not add that cost to the burden of the state; and
WHEREAS, It is appropriate that home educators be recognized and commended for
their dedication to excellence in education and for their significant and vital
contributions to our society.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Dave Heineman, Governor of the State of Nebraska, DO HEREBY
PROCLAIM the week of March 30 – April 5, 2008, as
and I do hereby urge all citizens to take due note of the observance.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and cause the
Great Seal of the State of Nebraska to be affixed this Thirteenth day
of March, in the year of our Lord Two Thousand Eight.
WOW! I am so impressed and amazed by this. Wonderful! What a great state! What a terrific Gov!
Very cool!
I'm green with envy. Can't imagine our Governor ever doing such a thing. What a great proclamation; it lists all the major reasons for states to both encourage and practice benign neglect toward homeschoolers. :-)
You all needed a little appreciation from the state, didn't you? I'm sure this is gratifying after the proposal of that bill last month.
Hurray for home education!
So, I know Florida and Nebraska are celebrating Home Education Week, I wonder if there are any others?
That is awesome!
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