The newest issue of Canticle is out, and I'm privileged the share the pages with some wonderful writers, including the delightful Sarah, from Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering, among many others. Check out Heidi Hess-Saxton's post at Silent Canticle for a list of all who are included.
This issue, I've got the Body and Soul column. In "Seconds and Sacrifice" I share some musing about food. And about foregoing food:
I’m at it again -- trying to lose a little weight. In my twenties, all I had to do to drop a few pounds was cut out the M&Ms for a few days.
Then came life: pregnancies, miscarriages, three deliveries … the forces of gravity, years of breastfeeding, and age. And now, the extra pounds don’t melt away as easily as they used to. Cutting out the M&Ms for a few days results only in making me cranky.
So this time, I’m trying a new approach. Instead of allowing my M&M sacrifice to make me cranky, I’m putting it to good use. Every time I forego a food, I offer up that specific dietary sacrifice for a specific intention.
To read the rest, you'll have to pick up the magazine. If you don't already subscribe, consider trying Canticle's offer for a free trial issue, by calling 800-558-5452.
Did you just call me delightful? Really?
I'll take it! (Even if I don't deserve it.) :)
Thanks, dear!
From one delightful Canticle contributor to another...
And I CAN'T WAIT to get my copy in the mail (maybe today, maybe today!).
I really NEED to order Canticle! I especially need to order it since you are writing for it.
From one weight watching person to another, one suggestion: the less white stuff you eat the easier it goes, but never ever cut out the chocolate completely (other than possibly for Lent). The Light Weigh focused on less volume, but I actually found that the more "volumetrics" approach worked better for me. Ie. I ate a lot of what Weight Watchers calls zero point foods (although they aren't zero points if you eat over the portion size recommended). Hence the quarts and quarts of grape tomatoes and green beans I ate over 14 months worth of losing weight. But be encouraged, even if it's a bit harder when you get older, it truly is not impossible and offering up the sacrifice really is a good way to make use of the time spent doing it. I agree with Suzanne of the Light Weigh on that point, even if I disagree with her ideas on volume.
Your column sounds just like the "you" I know & love, Karen--full of sage advice and practical spirituality.
It's what we moms need to read.
PS. Do I really have to give up my M&Ms?
I've been meaning to email you Karen to tell you how much I loved the column. It really spoke to me.
And can I just say...I still haven't received my copy yet?!?! (Neither has a friend in town. So it's not just me. Maybe it's just Ohio...)
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