Are you feeling it?
That relief that comes with the end of this interminable month?
I couldn't find anything to express it, so I wrote this haiku:
February fades,
Like a guest who stayed too long.
Shut the door, and sigh.
Kelly Fineman is hosting today, and the Poetry Friday round-up is here.
The irony of this is that I have a guest who, when he leaves on March 1, will have been here for ten days.
Seriously. Shut the door and sigh, "thank GOD." Now if only the rain and 45 mph winds would let up...
Hang in there!
I'm sighing too,Karen, but more because it seems the month flew by -- we were lucky this year with snow and cold. Time is disappearing!
Poor Tadmack. 10 days is an eternity!
Seems you speak for me too! So ready for spring...
Yup. Truly, oddly light and happy this morning. Farewell February!
And the irony is that it's the shortest month of the year...
Thank goodness for that!
Your poem made me smile, Karen. Why is that we are always so ready for February to leave?
"Shut the door and sigh" indeed. And welcome in blustery March.
Shut the rain and sigh is RIGHT. My kids are sick AGAIN! AGAIN!
Great poem, Karen! Great and perfect for a february that is more than just one day too long this year!
Ooh, I really like this. I shared a haiku today too - from the site, a haiku a day.
I picture you leaning with your full weight on that door! Don't you come back, February! Not for a good long while!
I saw buds on a tree branch for the first time yesterday. Whee!
Is Febuary over already? Have we started Lent? It seems like it's just flown by to me...
How I feel today (and possibly the rest of the weekend):
"What a day, what a day, my little brother has run away and now my tuba will not play, I'm eight years old and going gray...what a day, what a day."-Shel Silverstien
It reminds me of a Dar Williams song lyric... "February was so long that it lasted into March"
Is February over? Sadly the snow outside doesn't seem any less. I'm sighing too... in relief, glad my baby isn't a leap baby with Feb. 29 as a birthday. (many family members and friends were rooting for it). And still waiting.
I'm getting here on March 1 and I'm smiling because it was SOOOOoooo good to turn over the calendar page this morning!
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