Atticus is home, making hamburger soup and homemade bread for dinner.
Betsy and Ramona have been outside to play several times, and therefore a good chunk of my day has been spent piling things on Ramona and later pulling them off.
This morning, as I was still wrestling with the internet (we're now fully back, thank you!) and taking an overly long time to attend to Ramona's request to help her find the right pants to wear outside, she finally yelled from the other room, "If you do not come to help me soon, I shall go mad!"
I did, and she didn't.
It sounds like your Ramona and my Seamus would get along just fine LOL!
My kids love the word "shall", too, which fully cracks me up.
Lucky you ... snow and a husband who is making you a yummy dinner!
How I empathise with the internet battles. I spend an inordinate amount of time trying to force me computer to connect - mainly by doing the same thing repeatedly - only to realise I had inadvertantly disconnected a wire. Ugh!
That would, of course, be "my" computer!
Grrr! And "spent" not spend. Nursing toddler.
"...piling things on Ramona and later pulling them off." - Yes, that is a very common mommy activity in winter around here, too.
I shall go mad!
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