Friday, April 27, 2007

Loads of Good Learning Days

I want to group the posts on "A Good Day of Learning" into one, so please excuse the redundancy of these links. Feel free to mutter, "She's talking to herself again...."

The "Good Day of Learning" posts started here, with Theresa at Lapaz Farm Home Learning.
Then I added my two cents' worth here and here.
The always-eloquent-and-thinking Willa chimed in here.
And Lissa, who had been inspiring us with her posts about Waldorf methods added a bit more to the subject here.

Melanie very sensibly pointed us to Suzanne's Inch-by-Inch post here.

And, Melanie's own thought (even though she wrongly discounts herself as not having any thoughts on the subject), in this post, is spot on:
For me a good day is one when I put my own needs and desires aside and get down on the floor and laugh with Bella. For Bella learning happens naturally as breathing and painfully as the dozen times a day she falls and screams. I hope that learning will continue to be as natural and beautiful but that we can keep the bumping and screaming to a minimum.
Yes! That's my goal as well, even though my kids are now 13, 10 and 4. Natural, beautiful, and with minimal bumping and screaming. (You're a natural at this homeschooling stuff, Melanie.)

5/4/07: Updated to clean up and group the following links:

JoVe chimes in
Melanie again
And Willa again
from Ana Braga-Henebry
Willa's post, Of Operas and Sparkling Streams
My quick reaction
Nutmeg weighs in


Suzanne Temple said...

This is great, Karen. I loved that part by Melanie as well. It seems homeschooling begins as soon as a relationship with the child begins and while the content may change, the approach remains pretty much the same.

Willa said...

Thanks for doing the collecting, Karen! I am getting a lot out of your whole series. So glad Theresa started the conversation and you continued it!

Anonymous said...

I started to comment and it got a bit long so I posted instead.

momof3feistykids said...

Thank for for putting all this together. There is so much nourishing reading here. :-)

Unknown said...

GREAT1 Thanks!
I like reading about others days.... and I actually a few good days here too recently.... those are getting to far between it seems...