Thursday, March 15, 2007

Our weekly candle lighting and prayers

When I first posted about our Lenten plans, Jill at Praiseworthy Things asked me what readings we planned to use for our Sunday candle-lighting and prayers.

I thought about several different options, from rereading the Gospel of the day, to doing something with the Stations of the Cross. But, I finally settled on using readings and prayers from our Operation Rice Bowl materials, as we are very focused on that this Lent.

Each Sunday, as we light the candles surrounding the crown of thorns, we pray the general prayer provided by ORB, and we pray for the individuals we're learning about. We read a story of one person's life, someone who was touched and changed by the help that Catholic Relief Services provided. Then, throughout the week, we pray for the people in the "country of the week", ask for help and strength in our personal sacrifices, and pray, "Lord, may we abstain from what we do not really need, and help our brothers and sisters in need."

They're simple prayers, and simple petitions. But, I also think it's been touching the girls. And that is the goal of my chosen Lenten prayers. That we're all touched to the point that we can help make a difference.

Which leads me to my next area of Lenten pondering and action ... fair trade coffee, anyone?

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