Thursday, November 10, 2005

Help The UnChoice Campaign

The Eliot Institute is launching a powerful new campaign that focuses on unwanted and coerced abortions and their effects:

help stop the unspoken pain and suffering

This education and healing outreach campaign will help raise awareness about the crisis of coerced, unwanted abortions and a silent epidemic of post-abortion grief.

Few Americans know that most abortions are coerced, not chosen ...that millions of women who wanted to have their children didn’t ...that the resulting pain is so unbearable that many take their own lives.

This campaign tells their story backed by statistics that document a powerful industry’s harm to the very women it claims to help ...

· 64% felt coerced into unwanted abortions

· Over 80% would rather have had their babies

· 88% said they weren’t given enough information

· 65% suffer symptoms of post-traumatic stress

· Suicide rates are seven times higher after abortion

Read more here.

1 comment:

Christina Dunigan said...

David was always ahead of the curve. Thank God everybody else is finally starting to catch up.