Monday, April 22, 2013

Book Review: Catholic Mom's Cafe



Four quick steps to get the day going. 
Catholic Mom's Cafe: 5-Minute Retreats for Every Day of the Year
offers daily entries that are meaty enough to be meaningful and short enough to be manageable. 

Ponder a quote. 
Offer a thought. 
Pray a short prayer. 
Savor a Godsend. 

I opened the book at random, and found this great quote from Dorothy Day: 

"Because I am a woman involved in practical cares, I cannot give the first half of the day to these things, but must meditate when I can, early in the morning and on the fly during the day. Not in the privacy of a study - but here, there and everywhere - at the kitchen table, on the train, on the ferry, on my way to and from appointments and even while making supper or putting [my daughter] to bed."

Dorothy Day and Donna-Marie ... these two understand. 
Catholic Mom's Cafe will be here, there, and everywhere in my house. 

(This post is a stop on Donna-Marie's blog tour. Visit Donna at her Catholic Mom's Cafe blog to follow all the stops, or go to Our Sunday Visitor's catalog for more information on the book.)

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