Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Celebrating Our Catholic School!

If you're Catholic ...
and you homeschool ...


A Catholic School!.


You are doing everything you can to give your child an authentic Catholic education. That's worth celebrating during this Catholic Schools Week.

Personally, I always think chocolate should be involved, but follow your own instincts. Our celebrations will also include cake. Cake is a necessity for any good Catholic school. And coffee. Teachers need coffee, so don't be shy about consuming gallons of it this week in the name of outstanding teaching.

If your celebration is particularly innovative this year (with or without chocolate) drop me a line and let me know what you're doing.

(Custom image thanks to ImageChef.com)


Margaret in Minnesota said...

You're giving me an excuse to eat chocolate and cake?

I love you. I really do.

regan said...

my compliments to anyone who would think up such a thing as celebrating what we do in such a way!
and so i don't offend you i am off to plan a celebration for our very own catholic school and it IS going to include lots of cake and chocolate AND coffee!!=)