and more of this:

And a few more of these:

And, I have no idea why someone would take one of these when you could enjoy another cup of this:

Not to mention debilitating. Did I mention it's debilitating? Do we need this self-inflicted torture? Do any of us need less sleep?
Oh, don't get me started, because after that many cups of coffee, I may never stop spouting my opinion.
Pass the coffeepot.
3/11/08 Edited to add:
You must visit Jen, and read her thoughts on DST here and here.
Anne-with-an-e, looking over my shoulder just now, said, "Mom, is Jen always this amusing?"
"Yes!" I said emphatically. She is. Amusing, intelligent, informative and moving. And I'm not being paid a thing to say any of that. She just is.
I agree with you. That's one of the reasons I have enjoyed our move to Arizona where we don't...ahem...celebrate Daylight Savings Time. :)
I posted a comment but it disappeared so forgivemes up twice ...
You certainly don't want to live in my country. Last year they added an extra week of daylight savings time!! Obscene. It's probably one reason why I can never really write over summer. I feel too guilty sending my child to bed in bright sunlight, so she stays up late and I'm too exhausted to do anything by the time she finally goes to bed.
No, I haven't invented a new word, "forgivemes". Apparently Blogger is having its wee joke with me this morning. I wanted to say, "forgive me if it comes up twice," but it didn't, so you can have this second comment from me instead. ;-)
Ha! I am so totally with you, sister!
Except--big shuddery sigh here--I gave up the strong stuff for Lent...and you can bet that my sad little cup of half-caf does NOT cut it on days like today.
It's definitely doing a number on us this week too!
Yes, it's torture! It really is. We need to start a movement to stop this insanity. ;)
Patience, they've added time here, too. This year it's the earliest it's ever been and it's maddening. Thank you to the rest of you for your empathy. :-)
Today has been better but the first two days - bah!
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