Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Yes, it does drive me crazy

Why, why, why can't people figure out apostrophe use? Rules for apostrophes are among the easiest rules of grammar and yet it seems they have been disregarded since sometime in the late 20th century.

Here's a blog (ht to PalmTree Pundit) devoted to daily examples of abuse.

Its a sad day when writer's, business' people and grocery store's cant figure out these oh-so-simple thing's.


And while I'm at it, have you read Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss? Grammar curmudgeons of the world must unite.


K said...

I am with you. I thought I was weird, but I am finding that I am not alone!

By the way, Eats, Shoots and Leaves was one of my favorite reads of 2005! I love that book!

I keep telling myself that by homeschooling, if I do nothing besides religion and grammar/spelling correctly, I'll be helping to add much to society. My children will know how to spell and punctuate correctly!

Of course, my worst habit... exclamation marks.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes! All this apostrophisizing must cease, forthwith. We can't have all this speaking to those things, ideas, concepts, etc. that do not possess the power of reply. Put an end to rhetorical questioning now, I say! "Mischief, thou art afoot."

The Smith's

Rachel said...

Thanks for the link!

The Bookworm said...
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The Bookworm said...

I'm a mere tiddler in the world of grammar curmudgeons, sympathetic but only capable of ineffective splutterings. I am, however, married to the apostrophe police. I have lurked in a state of embarrassment while he registered his official complaint at the supermarket about the posters advertising their rewards vouchers intended to provide "computer's for schools". As he pointed out, this didn't sit well with their apparent concern for education. I work hard to head off apoplexy as every new apostrophising offence rears its ugly head. And if he comes across "it's" ugly head, cover your ears!

K, I'm with you on the exclamation marks. I also have a soft spot for the semi-colon. ;;;; !!!!

P.S. Afraid the previous deleted post was due to my inability to spell.

Karen Edmisten said...

K and Kathryn, I have to confess that my worst habit is ... ellipses .... :-(