Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Betsy's latest

passion is Braille. She and Anne like to get a book from our library that is entirely in Braille, and Betsy is trying to teach herself to read it. So, last week I found a site for her that is loads of fun. It's called The Braille Bug and is part of the website of the American Foundation for the Blind.

So far, Betsy has played the Name Game (type in a word and see it in Braille), Trivia Mania and Riddles. She hasn't yet seen this page ... I'm certain she hasn't seen it or I would already have heard, "Oh, Mom! We've got to have this!"


Liz said...

Is Betsy trying to learn to read Braille by touch or by sight? Having watched my niece reading the Little House books in Braille, I am truly amazed at what an effort it is to learn to read it by touch.

I hope that someday your girls will get to know her. She's an amazing child who rides a scooter, ice skates, rides horseback, swims, and goes by herself to the store down the street from their house in the Bronx (it involves crossing the street at least once!). I often forget that she's blind when dealing with her because she's so incredibly competent.

love2learnmom said...

Thanks for the link! I'd like to sneak it under my kids' noses since they spend quite a bit of time with their blind aunt.

love2learnmom said...

Thanks for the link! I'd like to sneak it under my kids' noses since they spend quite a bit of time with their blind aunt.

Karen Edmisten said...

Right now, she's just trying to learn it by sight.