Thursday, February 02, 2006

on late nights and haiku

Anne wrote a haiku today:

Mr. Putter

Fat cat walking by
Getting fatter every day
He loves to cuddle

She inspired me:


Sweet daughter's warm face
burrowing against my neck
overflowing joy


clever mix you are
shy, sweet, loud ... so full of life
my true gift from God


First born child of mine
you're growing up and away
still, my lap is yours

And, Atticus's cynical contribution:

I can count to five
I can count to seven, too
I can count to five

(But I forgive him because he makes me laugh.)

My final one for tonight:

Little blogging time
Busy-ness in homeschool land
I am craving sleep

And, a hat tip to the woman who started it all:

Amy, at Haiku of a Homeschooler

1 comment:

The Bookworm said...

I love these! Mr Putter sounds rather like the male version of a cat once owned by a friend of mine - Plumpus by name, Plumpus by nature.