Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Food, glorious food

Thanks to Maureen, my handy-dandy Thrifty Homeschooler resource, I'm excited about this website (excitement comes cheap at this house):

Meals for You is a recipe and menu planning site, and since I've vowed to cook healthier, more nutritious meals this year (it's more than a resolution, you know, it's a vow, so I must stick to it) I'm thrilled about this site. It looks better than others I've tried (I subscribed to one awhile back but never followed a single menu that was suggested. I'm afraid "green beans" just came up too often -- the canned ones. No, no, no ....) Here, you can search for recipes by various categories: nutrition, quick and easy, food allergies, etc. And the recipes look yummy.

Now, I have only to convince my kids that yummy = good, nutritious meals rather than cereal for supper.


Friar Suppliers said...

What? You're not supposed to give them cereal for dinner? Thanks for the link. I will check it out. We need some help with the healthy eating and since everything makes me nauseous these days I need all the help I can get.

Karen Edmisten said...

Weeeell, I'll never totally give up the cereal-for-dinner thing .... ;-)