Thursday, December 01, 2005

I feel so bad for these kids

I read this sad story the other day. It's the natural result, I suppose, of situations in which moms work. I have no quarrel with moms who must work. It happens, and it's not easy to juggle work, kids, husband. But, do as many moms need to work as actually do? And how many of them will be relieved to get permission from this article to drop their sick kids off at daycare rather than stay home and care for the poor, miserable-feeling little guys?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course this is why child care workers and school teachers probably end up taking fick leave themselves. When I taught in public school in the 70's I used up all of my sick leave before the middle of April because I kept catching URI's from the kids that then went into bronchitis or pneumonia. The parents didn't want to leave their kids home alone, so they sent them to school sick.

Babies in day care are exposed to far more germs than kids at home. Since one of the contributing factors to diabetes is respiratory viruses in the first year of life, I wonder whether we will see more diabetics in the future. Of course hearing loss associated with ear infections might also increase.
Personally I didn't even take my kids out (except to the doctor) if they had a temp over 99 and if they had green or yellow junk I knew they were significantly sick. Of course I had the luxury of being at home with them anyway.

Of course we have to set guidelines so that the employers aren't inconvenienced, not so that kids get the best possible care. Evidence again that we care more about productivity than people.