Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Feast of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist

I'm sure St. Augustine occasionally said something mundane ("Mother, please pass the salt,") but even the most mundane of his writings speak to me. Today's Liturgy of the Hours readings include Augustine's words on St. John:

"We proclaim to you what we have heard and seen. Make sure that you grasp the meaning of these words. The disciples saw our Lord in the flesh, face to face; they heard the words he spoke, and in turn they proclaimed the message to us. So we also have heard, although we have not seen.

Are we then less favoured than those who both saw and heard? If that were so, why should John add: so that you too may have fellowship with us? They saw, and we have not seen; yet we have fellowship with them, because we and they share the same faith."

Such a simple but profound statement: we share the same faith that the first apostles had. And, if we share the same faith, we have the same responsibility. A sobering, exhilarating thought.

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