Saturday, February 11, 2006

Feminist atheist meets Jesus?

The CERC (Catholic Educator's Resource Center) led me to this article about Naomi Wolf and her encounter with Jesus. I'm, uh, surprised, but probably not as stunned as she is that this sort of thing happens.

She wouldn't be the first radical feminist atheist to be swept off her feet by the God of the universe. (I wasn't rich, famous and beautiful, of course, but I was radical ... feminist ... unbelieving ... ridiculed the Catholic Church and its "patriarchy" ... and gee, here I am, living a life I once thought would be ridiculous.)

God has a great sense of humor (not to mention an intimate love for each of us) and tends to make it known an unpredictable times, and in unpredictable lives. I'll be praying for Naomi Wolf.


Alice Gunther said...

That was a fascinating article, Karen. Thank you.

Maureen said...

Amen sister!

Gordon said...

Don't forget Joy Davidman, C.S. Lewis' wife.

Similar story, same great ending.

Frabjous Days said...

Thanks for the link. Fascinating.