Sunday, November 20, 2005

Thank you, thank you, thank you

I just read this article on gratitude by Paul Thigpen. It's really lovely, and full of the little, practical things of which we often need to be reminded.

He mentions having each family member say one thing from that day (before bedtime prayers) for which they are grateful. We do something similar -- in addition to thanking God for special things that happened that particular day, we recently adopted the practice of naming two things we're thankful for -- two things we've never named before. And we can't repeat ourselves from day to day. What a wonderful exercise in counting our blessings! I have two lovely women named Mary in my life to thank for this idea. Thank you, Mary, and Mary.

Today, I feel extremely grateful for confession, the Eucharist, and an hour of Adoration, all in one weekend. I am a rich woman indeed.

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