Friday, December 16, 2005

Rosary for busy moms

I have to admit that I haven't used the Virtual Rosary for quite awhile, but when Ramona was a baby there were times when I sat at the computer, nursing her at 3 a.m. and praying the Rosary with "screen beads" instead of real ones. With each mouse click, you're taken to the next prayer, and there are accompanying pictures and Scriptures for each mystery.

At the bottom of the screen, "PrayerCast" appears -- it's supposed to show you new, live prayer requests with each click, but it doesn't always work on my computer. That probably has more to do with my computer than with the site.

While it's true that the internet can be a cesspool, it can also be used for stuff like this, and isn't that cool?

1 comment:

Friar Suppliers said...

Karen, how wonderful. I can't believe I've never seen this before. Thanks for sharing.