Friday, December 13, 2013

St. Lucia Bread!

On this feast of St. Lucy, this bread is once again on the menu:

Can I just say how funny it is that a bread that I make has made the rounds on Pinterest? My daughters -- they are the pinners in this family, I just can't seem to get going with it -- noticed this recently. For someone who once approached yeast bread recipes with crippling fear and trepidation, this is the ultimate irony. But it's not ironic that this bread is what's getting pinned. It's delicious. And easy. It takes time, yes, but it's easy. If I can make this great-looking-and-even-better-tasting braided bread, you can, too.

You can do it! Be not afraid!

Go to this post for the recipe.

Happy Feast of St. Lucia!


WendyLady@GoodBooks said...

Beautiful - and as someone who celebrates St. Lucia's feast day every year, I can say that making Lucia buns is time consuming. But kids love baking, if you can make the time - especially for this recipe. It would be a LOT LESS intimidating, and looks so beautiful! Thanks for re-posting (saw it on Pinterest.) :)

Karen Edmisten said...

It is always worth the time, Wendy -- my kids (at their ripe old ages) have such fond memories of St. Lucia day, and of this bread. :)