Friday, May 12, 2006

The Chocolate Moms

I host a Catholic Moms Club at my house every other week. We go through the Scripture Readings for upcoming Sunday Mass, and discuss the Bible, the Church, and the Lord's work in our lives. We encourage one another in our vocations as wives and mothers. We confide, we laugh, we cry and we keep a number of babies, toddlers and older children happy in the process.

Last night, we had our first Moms' Chocolate Shower. The original idea was a baby shower for one of our moms who has an eleven year gap between her first daughter and her new baby. I was concerned that she no longer had any girl-clothes with so many years between female siblings. So, I considered the baby shower idea (and, this really was a miracle baby....) The problem was, we don't do baby showers for every new little one in the group, so New Mom felt awkward, and worried someone else might feel left out. The thought had also occurred to me, and after talking more with New Mom (who had already been showered with baby girl clothes), I decided on a new take for the evening: Chocolate.

We celebrated all the babies -- the new ones, old ones, the ones in utero, the ones we're praying will soon be conceived. We celebrated our group, our bond, and our God. We said good-bye to a member who's moving, shared tidbits of our pasts that we didn't know about each other, and we laughed so hard that the tears rolled.

Do you have anything to celebrate? If you can count one single blessing in your life, then you have a valid reason for a Moms' Chocolate Party.

Schedule one soon.


1 comment:

Friar Suppliers said...

What a wonderful idea!